Different songs flood my mind that use the word storm that we sing in our worship services often...
- "Til The Storm Passes By"
- "A Shelter in Time of Storm"
- "Through the storm, through the night - Precious Lord, take my hand"
- "I will soar with above the storm. Father, you are King over the flood. I will be still and know you are God."
- "Will your anchor hold in the storms of life?"
- "Oft, in the storm, lonely are we"
- "Be with me Lord - If storms of trial burst above my head"
It's a certainty that we are going to have storms come our way. Jesus tells His disciples in John 16:33 "...In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” That's a pretty bold and definite statement. The use of the word "will" offers a guarantee that each one of us will have tribulation - there's no doubt about it! However, we can have peace and comfort knowing that Christ overcame the world and it's tribulation.
We will have storms. Each physical storm is different in its own way, which helps us to understand that each storm in our life will be different. Some storms will come quick and fast, without any warning or preparation. Some of our storms will produce damage, but will all damage it can be cleared and repaired (Acts 3:19). Some of our storms will be heavy rain that really tests our faith, perseverance, and endurance (James 1:3).
The end question: How will you handle the storms of life when they come your way? Will you take your eyes off Jesus, as Peter did (Matthew 14:30) and be accused of having little faith (Matt. 14:31)? Will you turn your eyes upon Jesus knowing that He has the ability to make the winds and waves obey Him (Mark 4:39)? Jesus has the ability to calm the storms in our life. Have you put your faith and trust in Him?
"When the oceans rise and thunders roar
I will soar with You above the storm
Father you are King over the flood
I will be still, know You are God"