Thursday, April 17, 2014

Partners 4 Africa Mission Trip

My wife and I are making plans to travel with the mission team from Rose Hill Church of Christ in July, 2015 to Zimbabwe where we will partner with Dorian Flynn and Partners 4 Africa to accomplish many tasks such as door knocking, feeding orphans, conducting a bible school for kids, participating in worship, helping with the new medical clinic in Zimbabwe and much more! We are looking forward to this opportunity to spend 14 days in Zimbabwe spreading the gospel to the people who live there. Joy and I have been praying for an opportunity like this because we have a heart and desire for mission work. However, mission work comes at a price and we pray that you will partner with us in helping to take the gospel to Africa through making donations.

First let me tell you a little about Partners 4 Africa Ministry:

Partners 4 Africa does wonderful mission work in Africa through their M.O.M project where they feed 700 children on a weekly basis. They are also building wells that provide safe drinking water to the community. So far, Partners 4 Africa have drilled over 30 wells with most of them located near a church building to provide water for baptisms. Another project that we are involved in at Rose Hill that benefits Partners 4 Africa is the Banana Box Ministry. Each year banana boxes are packed with clothing and textbooks to be sent to Africa. This year we sent 507 boxes to Africa which is part of the 4,000 total that will be sent from other sponsoring congregations. 

We would love to see all these good works in action and to meet the families and children that we minister to from Columbus, GA while leaving a lasting impression in Africa by the good works we will do while we are in Zimbabwe.

In order to be a part of this great opportunity, We will need to raise close to $5,000 to cover airfare, lodging, transportation, medical shots, and other expenses during the 14 days we will be in Africa along with 10 others from our mission team. I believe God has called us to be a part of the mission team. To make a donation please visit:

Thank you in advance for your prayers and donation. You will not only be investing in our mission team, but you will be investing in the lives of the people of Africa. 

To find more information about Partners 4 Africa visit

To know more about Rose Hill Church of Christ visit

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