The article was "Fifteen Ways to Show Kids (Yours and Others') That You Care" from "The Sticky Faith Guide to Your Family" by Kara Powell:
- Ask them about school.
- Find out their extracurricular activity schedule and go to at least one game, recital, or show.
- Call them and sing to them on their birthday.
- Swing by their house with ice cream after they've had a spectacular day.
- Swing by their house with ice cream after they've had a lousy day.
- Keep your promises! (no matter how small)
- Text them and share your three favorite things about them.
- Find out their favorite candy and give it to them for no reason at all.
- Give them your undivided attention.
- Ask them how you can be praying for them. And then pray.
- A week after you asked them how you can be praying for them, loop back and find out how they're doing.
- Learn their top hobbies or interests and then connect them with someone you know who can teach them more about what's special to them,
- Let them choose the music in the car, and learn why they lean toward that style.
- Send them something - anything - in the mail.
- Give them your phone number and let them know they can call you at any time, whether they need help or just to talk.
Be blessed! I am in prayer for you and your family.
@andrewt519 - Follow Me