Thursday, December 18, 2014

Fifteen Ways to Show Kids (Yours and Others') That You Care

As I was studying for the parents class that I am teaching on Sunday mornings at Rose Hill Church of Christ, I was reading in a book that I use as a resource tool in my teaching and I stumbled across an article that I thought was very relevant to this week's lesson. The discussion will center around building a support network for our students and parents with the idea focusing on intergenerational connections for our kids. We need to surround ourselves and our students with adults who care about their spiritual development, but we must show that we care about not only our kids but the kids of other parents, as well.

The article was "Fifteen Ways to Show Kids (Yours and Others') That You Care" from "The Sticky Faith Guide to Your Family" by Kara Powell:

  1. Ask them about school.
  2. Find out their extracurricular activity schedule and go to at least one game, recital, or show.
  3. Call them and sing to them on their birthday.
  4. Swing by their house with ice cream after they've had a spectacular day.
  5. Swing by their house with ice cream after they've had a lousy day. 
  6. Keep your promises! (no matter how small)
  7. Text them and share your three favorite things about them. 
  8. Find out their favorite candy and give it to them for no reason at all.
  9. Give them your undivided attention.
  10. Ask them how you can be praying for them. And then pray.
  11. A week after you asked them how you can be praying for them, loop back and find out how they're doing.
  12. Learn their top hobbies or interests and then connect them with someone you know who can teach them more about what's special to them,
  13. Let them choose the music in the car, and learn why they lean toward that style.
  14. Send them something - anything - in the mail.
  15. Give them your phone number and let them know they can call you at any time, whether they need help or just to talk.
Be blessed! I am in prayer for you and your family. 

@andrewt519 - Follow Me

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