Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Don't Blink

"Don't Blink. Life moves faster than you think."

As many begin to prepare to spend time with their families over the next few days and celebrate Thanksgiving, I am reminded at just how short life is. My family and I will approach the "first" of many "firsts" on Thursday. This will be the first Thanksgiving that my mom will not be with us. However, I don't dwell on this because I am sad (I selfishly am sad). In fact, I am happy because she is home and home is where my heart is, home is where I long to be. There is nothing that I look forward to most than meeting my God, my Savior, and my intercessor. I can tell you that my treasure is Heaven and that is where my heart is (Matt. 6:21).

Thanksgiving was always a fun time of year for our family, no matter which side of the family we were visiting. We always knew we could start our thanksgiving meal once our mom arrived because she was usually the last one there. Although, occasionally, she would throw us off and by being there early. Thanksgiving was one of the few time we would see all of our cousins during the year (aside from Christmas). Being silly, enjoying food and fellowship, playing games were some of the things we enjoyed. Most of all, I enjoy being surrounded by my family and the people I love (to which I don't say that often enough).

I always enjoy this time of year because I like to look back on all the things I have to be thankful for and all the ways that God has richly blessed me.
  1. I am thankful for my creator (God) who gave me life and loved me enough to allow Jesus (God's son) to stand in my place and bear my sins.
  2. I am thankful that I was able to spend 28 years with my mom. Some do not get to spend that much time with their mothers.
  3. I am thankful that my mom is with our Heavenly Father. 
  4. I am thankful for a wife who loves me despite my struggles and downfalls.
  5. I am thankful for a dad who I can call at anytime for advice or just to talk about life. 
  6. I am thankful for a brother who I have grown to be so proud of. He's doing great things for the kingdom!
  7. I am thankful for a job that I love so much. It's more of a blessing than a job... because I LOVE what I do!
  8. I am thankful for family. Family that loves me, supports me, and is always encouraging to me even if we don't get to see each other very often. 
  9. I am thankful for friends. How in the world would I have gotten through these last four months without friends?
  10. I am thankful for a church family. You don't know how truly blessed you are to have a church family until you are in need of them and then they rally around you, support you, and make sure things are taken care of. If you don't have a church family, find one! It's one of the greatest things in the world. 
  11. I am most thankful that my citizenship is in Heaven. "...our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, 21 who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself." - Philippians 3:20-21.
This Thanksgiving I encourage you to hug your loved ones just a little longer, make sure to say, "I Love You", and enjoy the moments while you can. There is coming a day where we will be separated from the ones we love, so make it count while you are able.

I will miss my mom's smile and laugh on Thanksgiving, but I will never forget the wonderful Thanksgiving memories that we made. Cherish your time with each other, make beautiful memories, and be thankful for many things! We are truly blessed!

Monday, November 9, 2015

Why I'm Quitting College Gameday...

*Disclaimer: I usually try to post blogs that are encouraging and spiritual in nature. However, today is just a personal blog that I wanted to share with everyone.

For the good part of my teenage years and adult life, I have had a Saturday morning routine. This was almost a ritual, if you will, unless there was something that effected my schedule (like actually going to a college football game). I would wake up on Saturday Morning during college football season between 8am and 9am. I would then find the nearest TV and remote, so I could turn it to ESPN and watch the last part of Sportscenter as it led in to College Gameday.

I loved hearing the guys analyze that week's big match ups, share stories that would make a grown man cry, and eagerly await Corso's pick for the day. I have even looked forward to a segment this year called #YouHadOneJob. It was my one thing that I looked forward to every Saturday even if the programming has gotten too long and you can tell they are struggling to fill up time. I know at what point I can go take my shower and not miss anything good.

That was until this last Saturday. You see, the last time College Gameday was in Tuscaloosa the celebrity picker was Eric Church. I am not quite sure how Eric Church and Alabama football go together. I say this, because ESPN, in the past, have picked someone who had ties to the state or tied to the particular University that they were visiting. It was an underwhelming choice, in my opinion, but I forgave them for it and moved on.

ESPN's College Gameday had a chance to redeem themselves this past Saturday. I was excited to see who they might choose. On Saturday morning, College Gameday releases a post on Instagram announcing that the picker would be Rick Ross. RICK ROSS?? Whoa now!

Rick Ross? Let's forget for a moment that, once again, he has no ties to the University or the State of Alabama. This is a guy who was arrested during the summer on kidnapping and assault charges. I know what you're thinking, "Everyone makes mistakes." Yes, that's true. Let me explain.

How hypocritical is it for a panel of experts to berate a coach for his decision to allow a player to continue playing over certain charges such as domestic violence, assault, DUI, etc., but they allow Rick Ross to sit on their panel and make picks? These experts talk about how coaches don't discipline their players, the suspension wasn't long enough, that player should've never gotten a second chance, etc. Yet, they allow Rick Ross to grace the stage after being arrested for kidnapping and assault charges.

Check out the story here:

I have lost respect of the show, because they would allow this to happen. Practice what you preach. Don't call out coaches for lack of judgment in discipline when you allow a man like Rick Ross to appear on your show. I know I am a small voice in a huge flood of fans and it won't make a difference. Personal convictions have won over and it's time for a change in Saturday morning programming.

However, as of November 9, 2015, I have quit ESPN's College Gameday built by the Home Depot. SEC Nation - you have just gained a fan and a follower.