Thursday, October 24, 2013


As I sit in the office pondering different ministry ideas, one came back to me like a flood. I love to write. Write stories, Write lessons, Write sermons, etc... One thing I have not been writing was a blog. I enjoy sharing my personal journey through life and ministry, as well as, reading other youth minister's writings. It helps me to know that we share in some of the same struggles, that I am not the only one struggling in ministry with certain aspects. 

Today is resurrection day for my blog. I have not used this particular blog since 2007, but as I was going through I felt this was the most appropriate one to resurrect as it deals with my own personal ministry and views. You see over the years I have tried the whole blogging thing and I have many different blogs scattered throughout cyberspace. I had THREE just on blogger. I had two on tumblr and one on weebly. However, this is my Halloween resolution, to resurrect my blog and write in it on a regular basis to share with you my ups and downs, my victories and defeats, as I journey with God through youth ministry.

Have a blessed day!

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